Michalis Famelis
- Professeur agrégé
Faculté des arts et des sciences - Département d'informatique et de recherche opérationnelle
André-Aisenstadt office 2343
famelis@iro.umontreal.ca (Travail)
Web : LinkedIn
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Web : Google Scholar
Web : Autre site web
Research recruitment
For prospective students
I am always looking for motivated people to work with. Before contacting me, please see my research interests and current projects, as well as my previous work. I also welcome well thought-out research ideas and would be very happy to discuss, provided you send me specifics.
- In DIRO, MSc admissions are administered centrally. Click here to find out how to apply.
- If you want to work with me at the PhD level, please send me your CV, any publications, and a brief note explaining why you want to work with me specifically. Click here to find out more information. Especially, look at the Predoc general exam.
In any case, make sure to take your own inquiry seriously. I do not respond to any inquiry that reads like a copy-paste boilerplate.
UdeM is a francophone institution but graduate studies can also be done in English. Regardless, if you work with me, I will strongly encourage you to try to improve your French, e.g., via the Centre d’aide en français.
To show me you have actually taken the time to read this page, include the string “[Luthadel]” (without the quotation marks) at the subject line of your email.
Education Programs
- Humanities Fundamental and Applied Sciences Environment and Sustainable Development
- Fundamental and Applied Sciences Information and Communication Technologies
- Information and Communication Technologies Fundamental and Applied Sciences
- Fundamental and Applied Sciences Information and Communication Technologies
- Fundamental and Applied Sciences
- Fundamental and Applied Sciences
- Fundamental and Applied Sciences
- Fundamental and Applied Sciences
- Fundamental and Applied Sciences
- Fundamental and Applied Sciences
- Arts and Music Literature and Languages Fundamental and Applied Sciences Social Sciences
- Humanities Social Sciences
- Fundamental and Applied Sciences Health Sciences Life Sciences
- Fundamental and Applied Sciences Health Sciences Life Sciences
- Fundamental and Applied Sciences Information and Communication Technologies
- IFT1025 Programmation 2
- IFT6755 Analyse du logiciel
Areas of Expertise
- Software analysis
- Software design
- Empirical software engineering
- Model-driven engineering
- Software Product Line Engineering
- Formal methods
I am an assistant professor at the Department of Computer Science and Operations Research of the Université de Montréal, working in the GEODES Software Engineering Research Group (see more).
I work to create formal but practical techniques and methods for engineering software. To do this, I draw from disciplines such as formal verification, model-based engineering, and empirical methods. I study the context of software development and create novel techniques that use domain-specific abstractions that are supported by rigorous automation.
Student supervision Expand all Collapse all
Research projects Expand all Collapse all
A model-driven software development platform for Climate-Sensitive Infectious Disease Modelling Projet de recherche au Canada / 2023 - 2028
Lightweight Formal Support for Software Design Projet de recherche au Canada / 2017 - 2025
Conception d’analytique avancée à la Banque Nationale (BNC) Projet de recherche au Canada / 2020 - 2022
Supplément COVID-19 CRSNG_Lightweight Formal Support for Software Design Projet de recherche au Canada / 2020 - 2021
Publications Expand all Collapse all
- Les publications de Michalis Famelis, sont disponibles ici :https://michalis.famelis.info/publications/
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