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Thèses et mémoires

Des thèses et mémoires de nos étudiants sont conservés et consultables dans Papyrus, le dépôt institutionnel de l'Université de Montréal.



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2023-07 Adding hygiene to gambit scheme
2020-12 A deep learning theory for neural networks grounded in physics
2000 A discrete flow model for dynamic network loading
2003 A domain-specific search engine for the construction sector
2020-10 Advances in deep learning methods for speech recognition and understanding
2018-12 Advances in deep learning with limited supervision and computational resources
2022-05 Advances in generative models for dynamic scenes
2020-10 Advances in parameterisation, optimisation and pruning of neural networks
2015-06 Advances in scaling deep learning algorithms
2023-08 Advances in uncertainty modelling : from epistemic uncertainty estimation to generalized generative flow networks
2024-07 Advancing adversarial robustness with feature desensitization and synthesized data
2022-08 Adversarial games in machine learning : challenges and applications
2012-09 A dynamic sequential route choice model for micro-simulation
1993 Affectation de clients dans des routes de véhicules à l'aide de réseaux neuronaux
2014-06 Affectation de composantes basée sur des contraintes énergétiques dans une architecture multiprocesseurs en trois dimensions
2002 Affectation statique et dynamique des usagers dans un réseau de transport avec capacités rigides
2007 A formal framework for run-time verification of Web applications : an approach supported by ccope-extended linear temporal logic
2021-12 A framework for domain-specific modeling on graph databases
2020-09 A game theoretical model for a collaborative e-learning platform on privacy awareness
2022-06 Agent abstraction in multi-agent reinforcement learning