2019-04 |
Étude combinatoire et algorithmique de la médiane de permutations sous la distance de Kendall-Tau |
Desharnais, Charles |
Hamel, Sylvie |
2019-04 |
Empirical study and multi-task learning exploration for neural sequence labeling models |
Lu, Peng |
Langlais, Philippe |
2019-04 |
Environnements virtuels émotionnellement intelligents |
Benlamine, Mohamed Sahbi |
Frasson, Claude; Dufresne, Aude |
2019-04 |
Recurrent neural models and related problems in natural language processing |
Zhang, Saizheng |
Bengio, Yoshua |
2019-04 |
Protocoles d'évaluation pour l'extraction d'information libre |
Léchelle, William |
Langlais, Philippe |
2019-04 |
Détection de changement en imagerie satellitaire multimodale |
Touati, Redha |
Mignotte, Max |
2019-04 |
Visual question answering with modules and language modeling |
Pahuja, Vardaan |
Pal, Christopher |
2019-05 |
Representation learning for dialogue systems |
Serban, Iulian Vlad |
Courville, Aaron; Bengio, Yoshua |
2019-05 |
Personality extraction through LinkedIn |
Piedboeuf, Frédéric |
Langlais, Philippe; Lapalme, Guy |
2019-05 |
Simple optimizing JIT compilation of higher-order dynamic programming languages |
Saleil, Baptiste |
Feeley, Marc |
2019-06 |
Route choice and traffic equilibrium modeling in multi-modal and activity-based networks |
Zimmermann, Maëlle |
Frejinger, Emma; Marcotte, Patrice |
2019-06 |
Improved training of energy-based models |
Kumar, Rithesh |
Bengio, Yoshua |
2019-07 |
Mobile data and computation offloading in mobile cloud computing |
Liu, Dongqing |
Hafid, Abdelhakim; Khoukhi, Lyes |
2019-07 |
Learning competitive ensemble of information-constrained primitives |
Sodhani, Shagun |
Bengio, Yoshua |
2019-07 |
Towards learning sentence representation with self-supervision |
Hosseini, Seyedarian |
Courville, Aaron |
2019-08 |
Towards Understanding Generalization in Gradient-Based Meta-Learning |
Guiroy, Simon |
Pal, Christopher |
2019-08 |
Calibrage de caméra fisheye et estimation de la profondeur pour la navigation autonome |
Brousseau, Pierre-André |
Roy, Sébastien |
2019-08 |
No Press Diplomacy |
Paquette, Philip |
Courville, Aaron |
2019-08 |
Analysis of 3D human gait reconstructed with a depth camera and mirrors |
Nguyen, Trong Nguyen |
Meunier, Jean; Huynh, Huu Hung |
2019-08 |
Deep neural networks for natural language processing and its acceleration |
Lin, Zhouhan |
Bengio, Yoshua |
2019-08 |
Prediction of the transaction confirmation time in Ethereum Blockchain |
Singh, Harsh Jot |
Hafid, Abdelhakim |
2019-08 |
Unsupervised representation learning in interactive environments |
Racah, Evan |
Pal, Christopher |
2019-08 |
Deep active localization |
Gottipati, Vijaya Sai Krishna |
Paull, Liam |
2019-08 |
Comparaison de systèmes de traduction automatique pour la post édition des alertes météorologique d'Environnement Canada |
van Beurden, Louis |
Langlais, Philippe |
2019-09 |
Real-Time Reinforcement Learning |
Ramstedt, Simon |
Pal, Christopher |
2019-09 |
Natural image processing and synthesis using deep learning |
Ganin, Iaroslav |
Bengio, Yoshua; Lempitsky, Victor |
2019-11 |
On challenges in training recurrent neural networks |
Anbil Parthipan, Sarath Chandar |
Bengio, Yoshua; Larochelle, Hugo |
2019-12 |
Mise en oeuvre d’une approche sociotechnique de la vie privée pour les systèmes de paiement et de recommandation en ligne |
EL Haddad, Ghada |
Aïmeur, Esma |
2019-12 |
Representation learning in unsupervised domain translation |
Lavoie-Marchildon, Samuel |
Courville, Aaron |
2019-12 |
Balancing signals for semi-supervised sequence learning |
Xu, Ge Ya |
Pal, Christopher |
2019-12 |
Hierarchical Bayesian optimization of targeted motor outputs with spatiotemporal neurostimulation |
Laferrière Cyr, Samuel |
Lajoie, Guillaume |
2019-12 |
Accurate and efficient strategies for the appearance filtering of complex materials |
Gamboa Guzman, Luis Eduardo |
Nowrouzezahrai, Derek |
2019-12 |
Stochastic optimization of staffing for multiskill call centers |
Ta, Thuy Anh |
L'Écuyer, Pierre; Bastin, Fabian |
2019-12 |
Compression in Sequence to Sequence Learning for Natural Language Processing |
Prato, Gabriele |
Tapp, Alain |
2019-12 |
On the bias-variance tradeoff : textbooks need an update |
Neal, Brayden |
Mitliagkas, Ioannis |
2019-12 |
Emerging communication between competitive agents |
Noukhovitch, Mikhail |
Courville, Aaron |
2020-01 |
Traffic prediction and bilevel network design |
Morin, Léonard Ryo |
Frejinger, Emma; Gendron, Bernard; Bastin, Fabian |
2020-01 |
Programmation stochastique à deux étapes pour l’ordonnancement des arrivées d’avions sous incertitude |
Khassiba, Ahmed |
Bastin, Fabian; Gendron, Bernard; Cafieri, Sonia; Mongeau, Marcel |
2020-01 |
The art of post-truth in quantum cryptography |
Zafar Jafarzadeh, Sara |
Brassard, Gilles; Salvail, Louis |
2020-01 |
Towards using fluctuations in internal quality metrics to find design intents |
Schweizer, Thomas |
Famelis, Michalis |