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Association rule mining for query expansion in textual information retrieval |
Zuo, Jin |
Valtchev, Petko; Nie, Jian-Yun |
2023-09 |
Deep learning algorithms for database-driven peptide search |
Zumer, Jeremie |
Lemieux, Sébastien |
2016-08 |
Influencing the Properties of Latent Spaces |
Zumer, Jeremie |
Courville, Aaron |
2007 |
Une approche d'ingénierie ontologique pour l'acquisition et l'exploitation des connaissances à partir de documents textuels : vers des objets de connaissances et d'apprentissage |
Zouaq, Amal |
Frasson, Claude; Nkambou, Roger |
2000 |
Étude et réalisation d'un agent pédagogique explicatif |
Zouaq, Amal |
Frasson, Claude |
2011-06 |
Approche probabiliste pour l’analyse de l’impact des changements dans les programmes orientés objet |
Zoghlami, Aymen |
Sahraoui, Houari; Dufour, Bruno |
2005 |
Études du jeu de poursuite dans les graphes |
Zine, Youssef |
Hahn, Gena |
2019-06 |
Route choice and traffic equilibrium modeling in multi-modal and activity-based networks |
Zimmermann, Maëlle |
Frejinger, Emma; Marcotte, Patrice |
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Validité d'un modèle QuasiNURBS interpolant des données géométriques incertaines |
Zidani-Boumedien, Malika |
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2024-08 |
Learning representations for reasoning : generalizing across diverse structures |
Zhu, Zhaocheng |
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2023-03 |
Context-aware ranking : from search to dialogue |
Zhu, Yutao |
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Scheduled service network design for integrated planning of rail freight
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Zhu, Endong |
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Multiway decision graphs and their applications in automatic formal verification of RTL designs |
Zhou, Zijian |
Cerny, Eduard; Song, Xiaoyu |
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SCIL processor : a common intermediate language processor for embedded systems |
Zhou, Tongyao |
Aboulhamid, El Mostapha |
2010-03 |
Extension of Wu-Peters bounds to Catmull-Clark and 4-8 subdivision |
Zhe, Wu |
Stewart, Neil Frederick |
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Domain specific web search |
Zhen, Zheng |
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A case-based reasoning diagnosis system for AHU (Air-Handling Unit) |
Zheng, Suoshi |
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2014-10 |
Hessian-based occlusion-aware radiance caching |
Zhao, Yangyang |
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Domain-specific question answering system : an application to the construction sector |
Zhang, Zhuo |
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2018-04 |
Sequence to sequence learning and its speech applications |
Zhang, Ying |
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Un générateur CP pour la vérification temporelle des contrôleurs d'interfaces |
Zhang, Ying |
Cerny, Eduard |
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Weighted finite-state transducers in speech recognition : a compaction algorithm for non-determinizable transducers |
Zhang, Shouwen |
Aïmeur, Esma; Dumouchel, Pierre |
2019-04 |
Recurrent neural models and related problems in natural language processing |
Zhang, Saizheng |
Bengio, Yoshua |
2023-08 |
Generative models : from data generation to representation learning |
Zhang, Ruixiang |
Paull, Liam; Bengio, Yoshua |
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A domain-specific search engine for the construction sector |
Zhang, Qi |
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Software stability assessment using multiple prediction models |
Zhang, Hong |
Sahraoui, Houari |
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Accélération de prédiction génétique par implémentation hautement parallèle sur un matériel re-configurable |
Zerarka, Mohamed Toufik |
Aboulhamid, El Mostapha; David, Jean Pierre |
2021-07 |
Dialogue systems based on pre-trained language models |
Zeng, Yan |
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Un modèle de validation automatique de mécanismes de sécurisation des communications |
Zemmouri, Fathya |
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Bounding of switching activity in logic circuits |
Zejda, Jindrich |
Cerny, Eduard; Rumin, Nicolas C. |
2016-08 |
Development of new scenario decomposition techniques for linear and nonlinear stochastic programming |
Zehtabian, Shohre |
Bastin, Fabian; Frejinger, Emma |
2021-05 |
Quasi second-order methods for PDE-constrained forward and inverse problems |
Zehnder, Jonas |
Thomaszewski, Bernhard |
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Cryptage de messages SMS |
Zebiche, Tayeb |
Wolf, Stefan; KROPF, PETER G. |
2022-12 |
Attention, concentration, and distraction measure using EEG and eye tracking in virtual reality |
Zarour, Mahdi |
Frasson, Claude |
2020-01 |
The art of post-truth in quantum cryptography |
Zafar Jafarzadeh, Sara |
Brassard, Gilles; Salvail, Louis |
2023-11 |
Domain-specific differencing and merging of models |
Zadahmad Jafarloiu, Manouchehr |
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2020-09 |
A game theoretical model for a collaborative e-learning platform on privacy awareness |
Yusri, Rita |
Aïmeur, Esma |
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Network information discovery and structural optimization in the WOS's context by using distributed algorithms |
Yuen, Sai Ho |
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Pacha : marché virtuel pour agents mobiles |
Youssef, Mounir |
Frasson, Claude |
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Developing network management applications using application frameworks and literate programming |
Youssef, Ghassan |
Keller, Rudolf |
2023-04 |
Détection de tableaux dans des documents : une étude de TableBank |
Yockell, Eugénie |
Langlais, Philippe |
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Tool support for context-based comprehension of large-scale software systems |
Yin, Rui |
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Model checking for a first-order temporal logic using multiway decision graphs |
Ying, Xu |
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2020-06 |
An intelligent real-time help system for clinical reasoning in virtual reality environment based on emotional analysis |
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Simulation des fonctions de texture bidirectionnelles |
Yengui, Mohamed Yessine |
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On the development of conformance test suites in view of their fault coverage |
Yao, Mingyu |
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2017-12 |
Learning visual representations with neural networks for video captioning and image generation |
Yao, Li |
Bengio, Yoshua; Courville, Aaron |
2022-11 |
Extraction of UML class diagrams from natural language specifications |
Yang, Song |
Sahraoui, Houari |
2005 |
DIA : un système de recommandation de livres dans un contexte pédagogique |
Yammine, Kamal |
Aïmeur, Esma |
2003 |
Gestion de l'information en temps réel pour un répartiteur de véhicules |
Xu, Ying |
Potvin, Jean-Yves; BENYAHIA, ILHAM |