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Thèses et mémoires

Des thèses et mémoires de nos étudiants sont conservés et consultables dans Papyrus, le dépôt institutionnel de l'Université de Montréal.



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Date Trier par date en ordre croissant Titre Trier par titre en ordre croissant
1996 Test de conformité du protocole de signalisation en mode Trames (Frame Relay)
1993 Test generation based on an FSM model with timers and counters
1993 Tests d'indépendance de deux séries chronologiques multivariées
2002 Text prediction for translators
1997 Texture volumique multi-échelle pour l'affichage de scènes complexes
2020-01 The art of post-truth in quantum cryptography
2015-07 The berth allocation problem at port terminals : a column generation framework
2000 The cell-transmission model : a new look at a dynamic network loading model
2004 The co-design methodologies on click router application system
2009-11 The decoupling approach to quantum information theory
2024-09 The equivalence of contrastive learning and graph convolution in collaborative filtering
2018-05 The limits of Nečiporuk’s method and the power of programs over monoids taken from small varieties of finite monoids
2020-04 The load planning problem for double-stack intermodal trains
1992 The LOTOS language :distributed implementation and fairness
2020-08 The multilevel critical node problem : theoretical intractability and a curriculum learning approach
2004 Théorie et pratique de la construction humaine supervisée du sens
2015-08 Theory and numerical integration of subsurface light transport
2024-01 The role of continual learning and adaptive computation in improving computational efficiency of deep learning
2020-10 Theseus : a 3D virtual reality orientation game with real-time guidance system for cognitive training
2024-05 The shifting landscape of data : learning to tame distributional shifts
2009-12 Timing verification in transaction modeling
2000 Timing verification of interface specifications and controllers
2007 TONGA : un algorithme de gradient naturel pour les problèmes de grande taille
2021-09 Tools for fluid simulation control in computer graphics
2002 Tool support for context-based comprehension of large-scale software systems
1996 Topoï, un système de production d'argumentations dialectiques
2023-08 Toward causal representation and structure learning
2023-08 Towards adaptive deep model-based reinforcement learning
1997 Towards a formal definition of security for quantum protocols
2023-12 Towards an extension of causal discovery with generative flow networks to latent variables models
2012-04 Towards a Privacy-enhanced Social Networking Site
2023-12 Towards a unified model for speech and language processing
2020-07 Towards better understanding and improving optimization in recurrent neural networks
2021-10 Towards causal federated learning : a federated approach to learning representations using causal invariance
2023-12 Towards combining deep learning and statistical relational learning for reasoning on graphs
2021-08 Towards computationally efficient neural networks with adaptive and dynamic computations
2016-05 Towards deep semi supervised learning
2020-12 Towards deep unsupervised inverse graphics
2021-08 Towards fairness in Kidney Exchange Programs
2019-07 Towards learning sentence representation with self-supervision