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Thèses et mémoires

Des thèses et mémoires de nos étudiants sont conservés et consultables dans Papyrus, le dépôt institutionnel de l'Université de Montréal.



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Date Trier par date en ordre croissant Titre Trier par titre en ordre croissant
2020-08 The multilevel critical node problem : theoretical intractability and a curriculum learning approach
2004 Théorie et pratique de la construction humaine supervisée du sens
2015-08 Theory and numerical integration of subsurface light transport
2024-01 The role of continual learning and adaptive computation in improving computational efficiency of deep learning
2020-10 Theseus : a 3D virtual reality orientation game with real-time guidance system for cognitive training
2009-12 Timing verification in transaction modeling
2000 Timing verification of interface specifications and controllers
2007 TONGA : un algorithme de gradient naturel pour les problèmes de grande taille
2021-09 Tools for fluid simulation control in computer graphics
2002 Tool support for context-based comprehension of large-scale software systems
2023-08 Toward causal representation and structure learning
2023-08 Towards adaptive deep model-based reinforcement learning
1997 Towards a formal definition of security for quantum protocols
2023-12 Towards an extension of causal discovery with generative flow networks to latent variables models
2012-04 Towards a Privacy-enhanced Social Networking Site
2023-12 Towards a unified model for speech and language processing
2020-07 Towards better understanding and improving optimization in recurrent neural networks
2021-10 Towards causal federated learning : a federated approach to learning representations using causal invariance
2023-12 Towards combining deep learning and statistical relational learning for reasoning on graphs
2021-08 Towards computationally efficient neural networks with adaptive and dynamic computations
2016-05 Towards deep semi supervised learning
2020-12 Towards deep unsupervised inverse graphics
2021-08 Towards fairness in Kidney Exchange Programs
2019-07 Towards learning sentence representation with self-supervision
2022-09 Towards meaningful and data-efficient learning : exploring GAN losses, improving few-shot benchmarks, and multimodal video captioning
2023-07 Towards privacy-preserving and fairness-enhanced item ranking in recommender systems
2020-08 Towards privacy preserving cooperative cloud based intrusion detection systems
2023-06 Towards the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions : models and algorithms for ridesharing and carbon capture and storage
2019-08 Towards Understanding Generalization in Gradient-Based Meta-Learning
2020-01 Towards using fluctuations in internal quality metrics to find design intents
2020-11 Towards using intelligent techniques to assist software specialists in their tasks
2023-04 Toward trustworthy deep learning : out-of-distribution generalization and few-shot learning
2010-08 Traduction statistique par recherche locale
2012-07 Traduction statistique vers une langue à morphologie riche : combinaison d’algorithmes de segmentation morphologique et de modèles statistiques de traduction automatique
2020-01 Traffic prediction and bilevel network design
2009-08 Training deep convolutional architectures for vision
2023-10 Training large multimodal language models with ethical values
2023-12 Traitement automatique du langage naturel pour les textes juridiques : prédiction de verdict et exploitation de connaissances du domaine
2022-01 Traitement des données scRNA-seq issues de la technologie Drop-Seq : application à l’étude des réseaux transcriptionnels dans le cancer du sein
2007 Traitement interactif de plis dans la simulation de tissus