2002 |
001_correct : un environnement de restructuration des programmes objets piloté par la qualité |
Chawiche, Hassan M. |
Sahraoui, Houari |
2003 |
3D reconstruction of a catheter path from a single view X-ray sequence |
Weng, Ji Yao |
Meunier, Jean |
2015 |
Abitbol : un langage sur mesure pour la métaprogrammation |
Archambault-Bouffard, Vincent |
Monnier, Stefan; Feeley, Marc |
2021 |
Abstraction de comportement de haut niveau à l’aide de la visualisation interactive |
Vandamme, Dorian |
Sahraoui, Houari; Poulin, Pierre |
2002 |
A case-based reasoning diagnosis system for AHU (Air-Handling Unit) |
Zheng, Suoshi |
Sahraoui, Houari |
2012 |
A Categorical Framework for the Specification and the Verification of Aspect
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Sabas, Arsène |
Boyer, Michel; Barr, Michael |
2022 |
Accelerated algorithms for temporal difference learning methods |
Rankawat, Anushree |
Bacon, Pierre-Luc |
2021 |
Acceleration and new analysis of convex optimization algorithms |
Liu, Lewis |
Lacoste-Julien, Simon; Scieur, Damien |
2006 |
Accélération de méthodes de résolution classiques par l'utilisation de stratégies de séparation locale comme outil d'hybridation |
Rei, Walter |
Gendreau, Michel; SORIANO, PATRICK |
2004 |
Accélération de prédiction génétique par implémentation hautement parallèle sur un matériel re-configurable |
Zerarka, Mohamed Toufik |
Aboulhamid, El Mostapha; David, Jean Pierre |
2003 |
Accélérer l'entraînement d'un modèle non-paramétrique de densité non normalisée par échantillonnage aléatoire |
Senécal, Jean-Sébastien |
Bengio, Yoshua |
2005 |
Accès et routage optique en mode de commutation de rafales |
Coutelen, Thomas |
Jaumard, Brigitte; Elbiaze, Halima |
2022 |
Accounting for variance and hyperparameter optimization in machine learning benchmarks |
Bouthillier, Xavier |
Vincent, Pascal |
2019 |
Accurate and efficient strategies for the appearance filtering of complex materials |
Gamboa Guzman, Luis Eduardo |
Nowrouzezahrai, Derek |
2012 |
A Compiler for the dependently typed language Beluga |
Ferreira Ruiz, Francisco |
Monnier, Stefan; Pientka, Brigitte |
2000 |
ACTC - une algèbre de processus temporisée pour la spécification et vérification d'interfaces matérielles |
Gandrabur, Simona |
Cerny, Eduard |
2004 |
Adaptation de modèles de traduction dans le cadre du projet TransType |
Nepveu, Laurent |
Lapalme, Guy; Langlais, Philippe |
2020 |
Adapting modeling environments to domain specific interactions |
da Silva de Sousa, Vasco Nuno |
Syriani, Eugene |
2022 |
Adaptive learning of tensor network structures |
Hashemizadehaghda, Seyed Meraj |
Rabusseau, Guillaume |
2020 |
A data-driven discrete elastic rod model for shells and solids |
Patarroyo, Keith Y. |
Thomaszewski, Bernhard |
2023 |
Adding hygiene to gambit scheme |
Doucet, Antoine |
Feeley, Marc |
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A deep learning theory for neural networks grounded in physics |
Scellier, Benjamin |
Bengio, Yoshua |
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A discrete flow model for dynamic network loading |
Mahut, Michael |
Florian, Michael |
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A domain-specific search engine for the construction sector |
Zhang, Qi |
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Advances in deep learning methods for speech recognition and understanding |
Serdyuk, Dmitriy |
Bengio, Yoshua |
2018 |
Advances in deep learning with limited supervision and computational resources |
Almahairi, Amjad |
Courville, Aaron |
2022 |
Advances in generative models for dynamic scenes |
Castrejon Subira, Lluis Enric |
Courville, Aaron; Ballas, Nicolas |
2020 |
Advances in parameterisation, optimisation and pruning of neural networks |
Laurent, César |
Vincent, Pascal |
2015 |
Advances in scaling deep learning algorithms |
Dauphin, Yann |
Bengio, Yoshua |
2023 |
Advances in uncertainty modelling : from epistemic uncertainty estimation to generalized generative flow networks |
Lahlou, Salem |
Bengio, Yoshua |
2024 |
Advancing adversarial robustness with feature desensitization and synthesized data |
Bayat, Reza |
Rish, Irina; Bashivan, Pouya |
2022 |
Adversarial games in machine learning : challenges and applications |
Berard, Hugo |
Vincent, Pascal; Lacoste-Julien, Simon |
2012 |
A dynamic sequential route choice model for micro-simulation |
Morin, Léonard Ryo |
Bastin, Fabian |
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Affectation de clients dans des routes de véhicules à l'aide de réseaux neuronaux |
Robillard, Christian |
Potvin, Jean-Yves |
2014 |
Affectation de composantes basée sur des contraintes énergétiques dans une
architecture multiprocesseurs en trois dimensions |
Deldicque, Martin |
Ferland, Jacques; Elie, Etienne |
2002 |
Affectation statique et dynamique des usagers dans un réseau de transport avec capacités rigides |
Hamdouch, Younes |
Marcotte, Patrice; Nguyen, Sang |
2007 |
A formal framework for run-time verification of Web applications : an approach supported by ccope-extended linear temporal logic |
Haydar, May |
Sahraoui, Houari; PETRENKO, ALEXANDRE |
2021 |
A framework for domain-specific modeling on graph databases |
Nikitchyn, Vitalii |
Syriani, Eugene |
2020 |
A game theoretical model for a collaborative e-learning platform on privacy awareness |
Yusri, Rita |
Aïmeur, Esma |
2022 |
Agent abstraction in multi-agent reinforcement learning |
Memarian, Amin |
Rish, Irina |