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Thèses et mémoires

Des thèses et mémoires de nos étudiants sont conservés et consultables dans Papyrus, le dépôt institutionnel de l'Université de Montréal.



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Date Trier par date en ordre décroissant Titre Trier par titre en ordre décroissant
2020-05 Leveraging deep reinforcement learning in the smart grid environment
2020-05 VGCN-BERT : augmenting BERT with graph embedding for text classification : application to offensive language detection
2020-05 Méta-enseignement : génération active d’exemples par apprentissage par renforcement
2020-05 Tactical block planning for intermodal rail transportation
2020-05 Prediction of Alzheimer's disease and semantic dementia from scene description: toward better language and topic generalization
2020-05 Study and experimentation of cognitive decline measurements in a virtual reality environment
2020-06 Assessing the robustness of genetic codes and genomes
2020-06 An intelligent real-time help system for clinical reasoning in virtual reality environment based on emotional analysis
2020-07 Apprentissage de modèles causaux par réseaux de neurones artificiels
2020-07 Look-ahead meta-learning for continual learning
2020-07 Multi-player games in the era of machine learning
2020-07 Towards better understanding and improving optimization in recurrent neural networks
2020-07 Vérification des patrons temporels d’utilisation d’API sans exécution du code : une approche et un outil
2020-07 Apprentissage de circuits quantiques par descente de gradient classique
2020-07 On two sequential problems : the load planning and sequencing problem and the non-normal recurrent neural network
2020-08 Neural approaches to dialog modeling
2020-08 On learning and generalization in unstructured taskspaces
2020-08 Entity-centric representations in deep learning
2020-08 Open source quality control tool for translation memory using artificial intelligence
2020-08 The multilevel critical node problem : theoretical intractability and a curriculum learning approach
2020-08 Edit distance metrics for measuring dissimilarity between labeled gene trees
2020-08 Optimizing ANN Architectures using Mixed-Integer Programming
2020-08 Towards privacy preserving cooperative cloud based intrusion detection systems
2020-08 Data-efficient reinforcement learning with self-predictive representations
2020-08 On improving variational inference with low-variance multi-sample estimators
2020-08 Lifelong learning of concepts in CRAFT
2020-08 Estimating the probability of a fleet vehicle accident : a deep learning approach using conditional variational auto-encoders
2020-09 Estimation neuronale de l'information mutuelle
2020-09 Articulating design-time uncertainty with DRUIDE
2020-09 A game theoretical model for a collaborative e-learning platform on privacy awareness