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Thèses et mémoires

Des thèses et mémoires de nos étudiants sont conservés et consultables dans Papyrus, le dépôt institutionnel de l'Université de Montréal.



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Date Trier par date en ordre croissant Titre Trier par titre en ordre croissant
2023-02 On impact of mixing times in continual reinforcement learning
2023-01 Analysis of the human corneal shape with machine learning
2023-01 Deep networks training and generalization: insights from linearization
2022-12 Stabilizing Q-Learning for continuous control
2022-12 Regroupement de textes avec des approches simples et efficaces exploitant la représentation vectorielle contextuelle SBERT
2022-12 Reinforcement learning applied to the real world : uncertainty, sample efficiency, and multi-agent coordination
2022-12 Automatically correcting syntactic and semantic errors in ATL transformations using multi-objective optimization
2022-12 Re-weighted softmax cross-entropy to control forgetting in federated learning
2022-12 Automatic taxonomy evaluation
2022-12 Gestion manuelle et sécuritaire de la mémoire en Typer
2022-12 Attention, concentration, and distraction measure using EEG and eye tracking in virtual reality
2022-12 Accelerated algorithms for temporal difference learning methods
2022-12 Taxonomy of datasets in graph learning : a data-driven approach to improve GNN benchmarking
2022-11 Brain decoding of the Human Connectome Project Tasks in a Dense Individual fMRI Dataset
2022-11 Mixed-integer programming representation for symmetrical partition function form games
2022-11 Génération de données : de l’anonymisation à la construction de populations synthétiques
2022-11 Extraction of UML class diagrams from natural language specifications
2022-11 Imitation from observation using behavioral learning
2022-10 Neural probabilistic path prediction : skipping paths for acceleration
2022-10 Contributions to generative models and their applications