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/ Department of Computer Science and Operations Research

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Financial assistance

The Department of Computer Science and Operations Research (DIRO) is one of the Université de Montréal departments that offers the most financial support in terms of scholarships awarded on the basis of merit.

Although most of these scholarships are reserved for Canadian citizens and permanent residents, there are competitions intended for international students as well. If you are an international student, we encourage you to apply for a scholarship covering differential tuition fees even before you arrive at the DIRO, as soon as your admission has been confirmed.

Many countries also have bilateral agreements with the Canadian government. For more information, see the website of the Bureau des étudiants internationaux.

At the doctoral level, only full-time students are eligible for financial assistance.


Master's and doctoral students may apply for the scholarships listed below.

Many other grants are also available through the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (FESP).

Complete financial assistance

Master’s level
Description :

Under the DIRO financial assistance policy, full-time students in the thesis option of the Master of Computer Science program receive on average $9,000 ($3,000 per term) in financial assistance in the 2nd year of their studies.*

Master's students must complete the financial assistance policy form (in French) and the form for designating a thesis supervisor at the same time.

This assistance is adjusted to reflect income from all other sources, including:

  • Financial assistance of any kind provided by the thesis supervisor(s).
  • Revenue from the co-administration of the Department's laboratories.
  • Departmental scholarships offered under the financial assistance agreement with the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (FESP).
  • Scholarships offered by the FESP and the Université de Montréal.
  • Bursaries and scholarships from external agencies, including those from government granting agencies like the NSERC and FRQNT, the Bourses de la francophonie and the scholarships and bursaries awarded by other countries to their citizens.
  • Teaching assistant positions.**

Note that all income from work outside the Department will also be taken into account.

*Assuming that the student progresses normally.

**Under the collective agreement between the Université de Montréal and the Syndicat des étudiants et étudiantes employé(e)s de the Université de Montréal (SÉÉEUM), students must apply for teaching assistant positions posted by the Department of Computer Science and Operational Research.

Doctoral level
$12,000 - $15,000
Description :

Under the DIRO financial assistance policy, all full-time students in the PhD in computer Science program are entitled to the following financial assistance in the first 4 years of their studies:*

  • $12,000 per year ($4,000 per term) before passing the comprehensive examination;
  • $15,000 per year ($5,000 per term) thereafter.

Doctoral students must complete the financial assistance policy form (in French) and the form for designating a thesis supervisor at the same time.

This assistance is adjusted to reflect income from all other sources, including:

  • Financial assistance of any kind provided by the thesis supervisor(s).
  • Revenue from the co-administration of the Department's laboratories.
  • Departmental scholarships offered under the financial assistance agreement with the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (FESP).
  • Scholarships offered by the FESP and the Université de Montréal.
  • Bursaries and scholarships from outside agencies, including those from government granting agencies like the NSERC and FRQNT, Bourses de la francophonie and scholarships and bursaries awarded by other countries to their citizens.
  • Teaching assistant positions.**

Note that all income from work outside the Department will also be taken into account.

* Assuming that the student progresses normally.

** Under the collective agreement between the Université de Montréal and the Syndicat des étudiants et étudiantes employé(e)s de l'Université de Montréal (SÉÉEUM), students must apply for teaching assistant positions posted by the Department of Computer Science and Operational Research.

Faculty of Arts and Science scholarships

Alma Mater Scholarships

Scholarships for students with exceptional academic records and who accept an offer of admission to a Université de Montréal Faculty of Arts and Science graduate program.

Students do not need to apply. The departments and schools select candidates to be submitted for approval to the Faculty of Arts and Science.

Georges Baril Scholarship
Application :


See the Faculty of Art and Sciences website for more informations.

Other sources of financial assistance

If you are a master's or doctoral student, you may finance your studies by taking on a position as a teaching or research assistant or a lecturer.

** Under the collective agreement between the Université de Montréal and the Syndicat des étudiants et étudiantes employé(e)s de l'Université de Montréal (SÉÉEUM), students must apply for positions posted by the Department (in French).

Teaching assistant

A teaching assistant (TA) is a Université de Montréal student, full time at the undergraduate level or generally full time at the graduate level, who assists a professor or lecturer in supporting and supervising students in the DIRO or DESI departments.

TAs invigilate exams, correct assignments and exams, provide help with documentation, monitor students, give demonstrations, assist or supervise interns, supervise assignments and lead seminars.

The position involves 3 hours of work with students per week, and pays about $2,000 a term.

Research assistant

A research assistant is a Université de Montréal student, full time at the undergraduate level or generally full time at the graduate level, hired to assist professors, researchers and units with research work.


A person hired part-time by the University to deliver class lectures. Duties include:

  • preparing and teaching courses according to different pedagogical methods and formulas;
  • updating course content;
  • preparing teaching materials according to the pedagogical methods and formulas used;
  • evaluating students' performance, including, if applicable, revising student evaluations and preparing and correcting deferred examinations;
  • availability or supervision relating to course preparation and delivery.

These lecturers work for the DIRO or DESI department.

Working and studying

Students also have access to an employment assistance service (in French). Find out more about specialized job offers in your field of study, potential employers and the tools you need to search for a job that meets your needs.