Network Design Problem with Length-bounded Paths
Okan Arslan
HEC Montréal et CIRRELT
Jeudi 25 janvier, 15:30-16:30, Salle 3195, Pavillon André Aisenstadt
Université de Montréal,
Cette présentation sera en anglais.
When traveling between their origins and destinations, the drivers can
deviate from their shortest paths cooperatively to visit discretionary
service facilities or non-cooperatively to avoid encountering any
law-enforcement facilities. This deviation length is naturally bounded from
above by the tolerance of the drivers. In this talk, we present the network
design problem with length-bounded paths and discuss two applications in
transportation: the alternative fuel station network design as an example
for the cooperative case, and the weigh-in motion system network design for
the non-cooperative case. We introduce a natural formulation built on the
notion of length-bounded cuts for the former problem and a bilevel
formulation to model the latter one. We present branch-and-cut algorithms
for both problems and show the marked the superiority of our solution
techniques over the existing exact approaches.
Biographie :
Okan Arslan is a postdoctoral research fellow at HEC Montréal and CIRRELT,
working with Gilbert Laporte and Ola Jabali. He received his Ph.D. degree
in industrial engineering from Bilkent University in Ankara, M.Sc. degree
in operations research from the Air Force Institute of Technology in
Dayton/Ohio and B.Sc. degree in aeronautical engineering from the Turkish
Air Force Academy in Istanbul. His research interests lie in the area of
network design and management with particular emphasis on sustainability
and resilience in applications spanning transportation, logistics,
telecommunications and energy.
Venez nombreux !