Designing Adaptable Interfaces that Support Scientific Communication
Damien Masson
University of Toronto
vendredi 22 mars 2024, 10:30-11:30 EST, Salle 6214
Pavillon André-Aisenstadt, Université de Montréal, 2920 Chemin de la Tour
Abstract: Interfaces to consume and produce scientific information are typically designed as one-size-fits-all: regardless of people's preferences, a scientific article forces a single presentation, and a tool forces a single mode of operation. In this talk, I argue that this idea of people adapting to interfaces should be replaced by interfaces adapting to people, their expertise, preferences, and tasks. Towards this vision, I describe my efforts designing and evaluating "adaptable interfaces" to support scientific communication. Specifically, I demonstrate adaptable interfaces that help readers better understand scientific material, scientists interactively present their findings, and authors more effectively create visual and textual content. Informed by these projects and cognitive theories, I conclude with a framework to inform the design of future adaptable interfaces.
Bio: Damien Masson is a postdoctoral researcher in the Dynamic Graphics Project lab (DGP) of the University of Toronto. He completed his PhD in Human-Computer Interaction at the University of Waterloo where he was advised by Daniel Vogel, Edward Lank, Géry Casiez, and Sylvain Malacria. Prior to that, he received his MSc from the Université de Lille, France. In his research, Damien combines educational theories, information visualization, and human-centred AI to develop tools that aid scientific readers and authors. His work is published in top-tier HCI venues such as CHI and UIST and received awards such as best demo at CHI 2021 and best paper at CHI 2023.